Table talk with Andy Jones


Words in Edgewise is thrilled to present Andy Jones and The Abbie Table: Reflections on Life in the Salt Fishery along with two very special guests: Mark Ferguson and Derek Pelley.

When: Thursday, January 20th at 8pm

Where: Eastern Edge Gallery at 72 Harbour Drive, St. John's (between Clift's-Baird's Cove Road and Prescott Street)

Hosted by Morgan Murray (member of the RCR advisory committee)

Admission is by donation; refreshments and snacks will be available

Listen to Andy on the CBC St. John's Morning Show describing the Abbie Table.

In 1999 Abbie (Ellis) Whiffen was asked by her ten-year-old granddaughter: “Grandma, how did you ever grow up without a computer?” This prompted her to write the story 'Growing Up, Up in Cove', which details the life of the Ellis Family who were engaged in the Salt Fishery in Caplin Cove, Hant’s Harbour, between the 1920′s and the 1950′s. Andy Jones, one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s most beloved actors and writers, and current owner of the Ellis house, along with the help of over 40 of Abbie’s friends, family, and other professional and amateur visual artists, is creating “The Abbie Table,” a 10′ x 4′ table inscribed with Abbie’s story. It is a truly remarkable piece of collaborative art that commemorates the way many Newfoundland and Labradorians lived until very recently, and has all but disappeared.

Words in Edgewise will feature Andy Jones reading from the table and talking about the process of creating it; Mark Ferguson, a curator at The Rooms Provincial Museum, giving a primer on the day-to-day activities of a fisherman’s family in the Salt Fishery; and Derek Pelley, renowned Newfoundland muscian, speaking about his time visiting the Caplin Cove home of Herbert and Ethel  (and later Harold and Shirley) Ellis.

As always, discussion will be encouraged throughout the evening. If you're in the St. John's area, this is a local food event you will not want to miss!

About Words in Edgewise: Each month the MUN Graduate Program in Humanities, Eastern Edge Gallery in St. John's and magpie magazine team up to present some of Newfoundland and Labrador’s most exciting and intriguing artists and academics performing, presenting and sharing their work in a variety of disciplines and media. It’s like a good old fashioned variety show with equal parts sequins and tweed! 'Like' the facebook page to hear about upcoming Words in Edgewise events.