Connecting families with healthy food: Trinity Conception Family Resource Centre

This post was contributed by Tracy Pike, Program Facilitator at the Trinity Conception Family Resource Centre. 

The Trinity Conception Family Resource Centre is made up of six sites all across the Trinity Conception area and provides free programs for families with children ages 0-6.  Programs initiated by the Family Resource Centre are created with the idea that they should enhance child development, promote positive parenting skills, and or improve social support networks for families.

One of the programs we offer is called Little Cooks, which is a cooking program for children ages three and up.  Cooking presents a perfect opportunity to promote many early learning experiences for children such as math, literacy, science, health and nutrition.  It is a wonderful opportunity to discuss with adults topics such as nutrition, budgeting, shopping, as well as teaching everyone basic cooking skills.

In addition to the many children’s programs we offer, we also offer parenting programs and a parent’s night out in many of our centres.  This is an evening to give parents a chance to spend time with other adults engaging in fun activities and maybe even try something new.

With the help of the Food Security Network, during Parents Night we hosted a food skills workshop about preserving foods. Our participants had a wonderful evening preserving fruit and making strawberry and blueberry jam.  It was a fun experience for everyone.  With the grant money we received we were able to purchase equipment to provide the workshop again to encourage more people to learn about and continue this tradition.

To learn more about the Trinity Conception Family Resource Centre contact them on facebook or at and 1-866-596-0712.