NL Good Food Challenge: What's One Cooking Tip You Think Everyone Should Know?


We asked our Facebook and Twitter fans to give up their favourite tips from the kitchen—from “a sharp knife is a joy to use” to “turn off the stove when you’re done.”

Below is some of what people had to say online. Click here to take part in the conversation on Facebook. 

“Have a HOT frying pan.” — Vyann

“Eat fresh veg.... If not frozen......not canned! Steam ......don't boil.” — Irish Connection

“Lemon is good at cleaning metal after cooking.” — Jeff

“When you're frying mushrooms, don't crowd 'em! They’ll get sweaty and mushy.” — Elling

“Elling: same goes for roasting vegetables in the oven. Give them room to crisp up by putting them in a single layer spread out. If they're crowded they bake soft instead of roasting crisp.” — Sarah

“That the common boiled potato has more potassium than a banana and has a lower GI” — Gypsy Of Avalon

“Always read a new recipe from beginning to end before start cooking. It will avoid a lot of surprises! I am still working on this.” — Olivia

“The magic 3:1 oil to acid salad dressing recipe!” — Kristie

“Um...if you watch your stove pot, it will never boil, but if you walk away from it, it will immediately burn your food to a crisp. #jennveersussthestovepot” — Jenn Harris

“my tip: cast iron skillet.” — Katie Duff

“turn off the stove when you're done.” — Patty Young

“I still think about Kathy Jaeger's advice: ‘Cook your onions more and your garlic less.’” — Sarah Smellie

“Keep your knives sharp with a steel whenever you them, and don't put them in the dishwasher (it ruins the blade). A good sharp knife is a joy to use.” — Robert Bridson

“Measure and prep all ingredients before you start, that way you know beforehand if you are missing something.” — Tanya Nielsen


For more information:

Root Cellars Rock Food Skills Workshops are a goldmine of cooking tips, especially for preparing local vegetables, using culinary herbs, and canning and bottling.

Food Network Magazine asked top chefs across the country for their best advice.